Castle in the Spotlight


Over time, Castle Juniors has forged relationships with some big names in the sporting world, creating courses and schemes that enhance our members both as players and as people.

  It is as a result of the immense support the club is honoured to have, the kind donations of our players and the top-quality guidance of our volunteers and coaches. Castle Juniors always aims to reinvest, with a fluid structure supporting the progression of the club to the point where it is possible to compete and attract the attention of friendly firms willing to lend a hand.

  Firstly, there is the partnership with Coerver Coaching, a tool that has allowed the club to train coaches better than ever before. They offer comprehensive coaching courses, with crystal clear effects on how to develop an understanding of the technical and tactical aspects, not to mention enhancing leadership and communication skills on and off the pitch.

  The always appreciated support of aforementioned donations by members over the years has helped heighten the standards of equipment and facilities, allowing for an enhanced coaching experience on the part of the club as well as the ability for trainers of the future to shadow at schools, putting these valuable skills to practice. This association continues to teach and develop engagement with different types of people and how best to strike harmonious chemistry chords, ensuring that personality is shown through on the pitch and politesse off it.

  It means that for those who do not go down the football route in the long term, they have the skills to still make an impact in their career of choice down the line, able to convey instructions better and communicate effectively as part of a team. 

  Secondly, Castle Juniors is very proud to be able to cite Rangers F.C. as a partner, with this relationship especially impactful among those in the younger age groups. In addition to the name itself, which is an immediate enticer to a club with high-quality facilities and a proven track record of developing young men and women for football and life, the benefit of their expertise and resources has been extremely significant in elevating standards, making for a well-rounded experience for every existing and new member.

  And for the older age groups, we can count on Chelsea F.C. as our partner in this respect, whose mere presence has taken the club to new heights. The club believes that it is best for players to develop close to home, in an environment that they know and is near to their family and friends, and with this relationship it is ever more possible to convince the best young talent in the area to stay. 

  As well as a direct pathway to becoming a senior professional footballer, it also maintains the sense of unity and community that the club holds so dear, helping the area to become renowned as a talent factory full of not just good players, but good people too. Fulfilling the feeling of identity and belonging, in a sport where many feel this is ever more eroding, is key to the club’s success, and with these two illustrious institutions supporting, it is possible to uphold these and put the community close to heart.

  In summary, Castle Juniors guarantees opportunity to every player, coach and volunteer, reinforcing the message that this is a holistic and inclusive club that develops both mental and physical capacities. The schemes on offer present the chance for big breakthroughs, allowing for transferable skills to be learned as well as valuable mentorship and advice from the more senior members of the team.

  Moreover, the resources are in place for players to develop to the professional level in a local and settled environment, affording them the opportunities to expand their horizons through coaching and make them multi-talented in a world where this is especially desired in the industry. With a helping hand, they can grow as personalities, as players and as people, but still with the independence to take on board and practice the information they learn in their own way.

By Lewis Bennett